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Willard No. Marina Conditions Update
(10-30-2021, 08:27 PM)TubeDude Wrote: I already posted this as an afterthought on my Willard float tubing report.  But thought maybe some boaters might miss I will duplicate it as a separate post here.

As most Willardites know, the end of the concrete ramps on the east and west sides have been unusable in low water due to a steep dropoff.  I was pleasantly surprised yesterday to see that they had filled that in and have extended the ramp with some coarse rock.  Not as good as concrete but the next time the water gets low it will prolong the usability of the ramp. 

[Image: WEST-RAMP.jpg]   [Image: RAMP-WEST.jpg] [Image: WEST-RAMP-2.jpg]
On the other side...the east ramp...there is some rock in place but they either quit early or still have some more rock to add. 
[Image: EAST-RAMP.jpg]
The depth seems to have either stabilized...or even risen recently with the rains.  There is a good 5' at the launch end of the ramp and at least 5-6' all the way out the channel.  Just don't try to go past the line of buoys on the east side.  There is a berm that comes up close to the surface and it will get your prop for sure.

One last item.  The fish cleaning station is closed and wrapped for the winter.  Seems to close earlier and open later every year...along with being unusable on more and more trips.  
Thanks for the report.  I'm glad they are making improvements to the launch ramps at Echo and Willard.  

Thinking about all the other waters with launch ramps, don't understand why there doesn't seem to be any urgency to take advantage of a bad situation with water levels in Utah.  To me, you try to make lemonade out of lemons.

The water levels are already leveling off and starting to rise.  I don't see any reports that the Powell launch ramps are getting major work to extend and widen all launch ramps.  I would also like to see improvement to the Port launch ramp at Pineview.  Looks like there is some work going on, but planning for taking advantage of the situation doesn't seem very forward thinking to me.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Willard No. Marina Conditions Update - by Crimson - 10-31-2021, 06:34 PM

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