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jjannie's greenhouse addition - 2021
(11-14-2021, 03:10 AM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: You guys decided to use corrugated metal for the sides of these new grow boxes, less chance of rotting and it looks great, I like it.

Since we were out of cedar to repurpose and use, and with the cost of lumber these days, it was better option. You can make them in any size. We saw that one guy even made them set on large patio pavers all around since his were set in his lawn. This allows him to mow around them easily. Also in corners, we did spray flex-seal rubber coating just to better protect the wood where they should have the moisture touching them. We'll see just how they work out.

Messages In This Thread
jjannie's greenhouse addition - 2021 - by jjannie - 10-17-2021, 05:47 PM
RE: jjannie's greenhouse addition - 2021 - by jjannie - 11-15-2021, 04:51 PM

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