11-16-2021, 02:30 PM
(11-16-2021, 02:16 PM)TubeDude Wrote: It was good to (temporarily) share the water with you. Glad you got some tugs. I ended up catching 5 perch and two cats. Didn't keep any since TubeBabe is out of town for the week.
I caught 1 cat and 1 perch while you guys were still hanging around the spotlock convention. After you headed south, I headed north...for the kitty condo area. Caught one cat and 3 more perch in that general area. Headed back to the "spot" about 11 and caught one more perch before heading in.
I saw KD boat a couple of perch. And when I cruised by on my way in he said they had about 20. Held up one that would have gone about 14".
Not gonna make a separate report on this trip. Nothing great to offer the masses. One note on the day, though. I have never had so many missed hits on fligs. Not sure whether or not the fish were small perch, small cats, bluegills or what. But I got a grundle of quick two or three tug hits and then nothing when I tried to set the hook. They seldom got the bait...or tore it up much...but they definitely bounced the rod tip.
Question on the "pink" flig you were using. Was it a true pink...or was it the red glitter model? Or did I give you one of my experimental "Pink Tigers"? Or...none of the below?
It was the pink Tiger that did so well but it started off with the fire tiger that had that same pink tail. We caught them on others as well but those were the best yesterday for us. Ira wanted to go back and join the KD group but since my spot lock isn't working right, because my hand head controller is dead, we just stayed where we were, because catching kitties is fun too Glad to hear you did better on the perch, how deep was the kitty condo area?