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jjannie's greenhouse addition - 2021
(11-18-2021, 02:39 AM)wiperhunter2 Wrote:
(11-16-2021, 06:59 PM)jjannie Wrote:
(11-16-2021, 02:53 AM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: That Flex Seal is a great idea for protecting the wood.

It's pretty handy stuff.  We've mostly filled all new beds but we left some room for adding manure in spring. Next up, we'll work to clean out the original GH. Peppers and tomatoes are still blooming, but cukes and pole beans are done so we can do a lot of removal there. It will be nice working in GH even in this cooler weather. We also have carrots to get harvested then cleaned up. 

We also need back fill soil around the back/uphill sides of GH. Other than that, we're pretty much winterized all around the yard. Yesterday, we power washed the back patio and furniture, but we still want to do the same on the front porch.  With all construction happening next door its been so dusty for 2 summers and probably will be at least next spring too once they start on their landscaping and putting in the driveway. We've decided he must secretly like 'playing' with all the big equipment they've been using over there. Reminds us of a boy playing with Tonka trucks in the driveway.
Where are you going to get the dirt to back fill around the outside of the GH?
I Finally pulled down the fence I put up for the Green Beans(GB) to grow up. Got a few dozen GB when I stripped the vines off the fence. Pulled up our Carrots as well, lots of little ones. Stripped all the kale off the plants a month ago but left the plants standing, they have grown a few more leaves since then but I should have picked them today, because they will likely freeze tonight.
 we had to cut into the hillside to put on the addition, we also needed the space around the foundation to put in the lag screws  - that's the area we need to back fill. Once back filled, we will stabilize the hill using large pieces of cement curbing that we saved from removing all the side yard lawn and putting in the paver walkway along with some rebar to support everything. 

It was 19 here last night, 21 was our low the night before. We still need to clean up the GH. We sort of did minimal work yesterday - maybe we needed a day off. Today is mostly an errand and appointments day so not sure just what we will get done. Jeff is doing some workshop clean up and organizing when not working outside. I'll make a batch of our tomato soup - between the GH tomatoes and ones that have ripened we had a of tomatoes to be used up - good thing we like that soup. Jeff made fresh salsa yesterday.  We already canned all the soup and salsa we we want to keep longer. 

Note: not sure what was going next door last night, seemed they were once again moving dirt, maybe connecting to their septic tank that has been put in place. At least they rarely work past 10pm anymore. Besides the dust, the constant beeping every time they back up just never seems to end.

Messages In This Thread
jjannie's greenhouse addition - 2021 - by jjannie - 10-17-2021, 05:47 PM
RE: jjannie's greenhouse addition - 2021 - by jjannie - 11-18-2021, 03:54 PM

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