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Rockport 1/29 AM...Love me some perch!
(01-30-2022, 05:39 PM)Dayfish Wrote: Although there is nothing illegal or against BFT rules on what was posted originally, where are the ethics?  it seems like a bit of overkill to make posts like that on a lake that is the closest lake to the largest population in the state. Think about it. It is not hard to figure out where on the lake he is talking about especially if you go anywhere near there and see the 8000 holes that have been drilled  previously. There are plenty of competent fisher people out there that have spent their time and energy to find fish as I am sure other posters have as well with good intentions. What i find objectionable is seeking to validate  fishing prowess and inviting the rest of the Salt Lake valley to that small section of ice on a shrunken reservoir. If you want to ban me for voicing my opinion then so be it. Here's an idea--how about everyone using some discretion when posting how good of a fisher person they are--especially in this sever drought Idea  

Ethics, how is this about ethics, hotspotting is about telling others the name of a small body of water where anyone could go a wipe out a population of fish there, RP is a fairly large body of water and most members have no idea where this member was fishing and even if they do, there is little to no chance that they will be able to repeat what this member was able to do. IMO only the best of the best would be able to accomplish what the original poster did. You giving this member a hard time about doing good while fishing sounds like sour grapes IMO but if you really think that all the perch in RP will be wiped out by a member sharing info like this, you need to rethink your position because it just is not possible. Perch, white bass and crappie are some of the most prolific fish in the state, even if you were able to catch 90% of the population it would not do more that put a dent in the population for a few years. IMO this is a non issue and hardly worth the effort I took to write this reply, the reason why I even replied is because I believe exactly what Catchinon said in his reply to you. On the other hand, if this was about a really small body of water, where someone could easily wipe out a population of trout, by posting about the location, then I'd be on your side 100%.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Rockport 1/29 AM...Love me some perch! - by Fritzfishin - 01-29-2022, 11:21 PM
RE: Rockport 1/29 AM...Love me some perch! - by wiperhunter2 - 01-30-2022, 08:37 PM

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