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Video of how I make a lure that catch's a lot of Kokanee
(03-10-2022, 08:11 PM)dubob Wrote:
(03-10-2022, 06:54 AM)liketrolling Wrote: you guys that fish for kokanee better start buying Maggots
Why?  Are they a petroleum-based product soon to be in short supply?

As to the home-made Apex/Pro-Troll lures - nicely done.  But I already have enough DIY hobbies, so I think I'll just order them up on-line and catch more limits of salmon & trout.  Using 4 Apex/dodger sets off 4 riggers, we had a 60 trout day at Echo in 2020 in just about 4 hours.  They are my go-to lures for kokanee at the Gorge.  The clear with purple strip has always been the most productive color for me.  YMMV!

Last year the pink Berkley maggots that most of us use for kokanee became impossible to buy and a lot of us thought it had more to do with the pandemic than any other reason. Not sure if that same issue will continue this year but taking notice of what Robert says and at least buying a few bottles, just in case it happens again this year, sure can't be a bad thing. You never know what else could happen this year, seeing how it is starting off.

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RE: Video of how I make a lure that catch's a lot of Kokanee - by wiperhunter2 - 03-11-2022, 01:25 AM

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