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Berry Report 3/19
The kids didn't want to join me today, so it was just a solo dad trip.  
Didn't get up there super early.  Started fishing around 8:30.  Had 6 or 7 fish within the first hour.  Helped a dad cut some holes.  He had his young ones and I didn't want to watch him spend all his energy with the hand auger.
Fished in 16-19'.  Bait of the day was waxies. Lure of the day was a blue glow shrimpo.  They definitely wanted smaller offerings.  I did catch a couple on cut bait (shiners).  Fishing slowed around noon.  Fish still below, but weren't as interested in biting.  
I caught my smallest fish at the Berry (about 8"), and some near slot-busters.  Ended up catching over 20 cuts, and took home 2 bows for the smoker.  
Fun time and great weather.  I'm hoping to get out again in a couple weeks.  The edges were fine.  Snow on top was turning soft and melting.  It made the walk back a little more difficult, but not terrible.

Messages In This Thread
Berry Report 3/19 - by dumb_bass - 03-21-2022, 11:34 PM
RE: Berry Report 3/19 - by joatmon - 03-23-2022, 05:34 AM

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