04-10-2002, 07:30 AM
Hello All,<br>WELL ITS ON! We signed and confirmed The BigFishTackle.Com World Series Of Virtual Poker Tournament (probably not the officail name but sounded good for this post) is officially a go! Although there is still some details to finalize, I have just finished playing and its going to be a blast!!<br><br>I wanted to give BFT message boarders first crack at registering, we should begin pre-registering tommorow(I'll run the banners in the boards in pretty heavy rotation). <br><br>Here are some of the details I do know for the first tourmnament:<br>1) Entry is completetly FREE<br>2) We will have to limit entry in the first tournament to 300 players<br>3) About 12 players per table, after pre-registration you will be able to practice with other players at the tables anytime prior to the event<br>4) BigFishTackle.Com and the site which will be hosting this event will provide over 70 prizes (BFT e-gift certificates etc..)<br>5) Live chat is available at the poker tables at all times, so we can talk back and forth during the tournament<br>6) Date and time will be confirmed tommorow.<br><br>ITS A BLAST! Although BFT employees are not eligible to win, I am playing, and will donate my prize (when I win, and I will win (lol)) to the message boards WHEN I WIN (HAHA)!!<br><br>Hope to see a lot of message boarders there!<br><br>[laugh] How about a good laugh?<br><A HREF="http://www.bigfishtackle.com/comics.htm " target="_new">http://www.bigfishtackle.com/comics.htm </A> <br><br>Mike H