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KSL report on Lost Creek Improvements/Fees
(07-10-2022, 03:26 PM)Jig-fisher Wrote: Looks like they will start charging fees for day use and camping but improvements might be delayed.

I read this statement at your link:
We're just a little bit worried that some of the bids that come back ... might be a little bit more than the value of what we can get if we just wait a little long.

Chris Haramoto, Lost Creek and East Canyon state parks

So they think the prices are going to go diown in the furture, that could be a long wait. I'm not really concerned about the camping there, IMO they can wait as long as they want but I hope they at least widen the ramp there, that would be nice. Guess my state parks pass will still work.

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RE: KSL report on Lost Creek Improvements/Fees - by wiperhunter2 - 07-10-2022, 03:46 PM

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