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Is Strawberry Ramp Open? And how's the fishin' ?
Been a whole year since I fished at Strawberry. I'm wondering if anyone out there can tell me what the conditions are. Is the ramp at the main marina useable?   How about at renegade? Is the fishing died down until fall, or are they still biting.  I wanted to take my daughter and her (hopefully soon to be) fiancé fishing.  I have an 18ft boat with a 150hp outboard.  Is trolling or jigging with tube jigs working, or is it downrigger/Kokanee time?   I really need to get out there more often.

Anyway, thanks for the info !!!

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Is Strawberry Ramp Open? And how's the fishin' ? - by LuvThemCuts - 07-23-2022, 04:12 AM

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