09-22-2022, 11:14 PM
Headed up by myself to Pineview in search of Tiger Muskie. A little birdie told me that they weren’t charging fees during the week. Upon arrival I was the first person there and the only person there for about an hour and a half. got on the water with no issues and was trolling right away when I noticed that my okuma cold water line counter reel was not giving the proper drag. I had a couple of other rod and real setups with me, but nothing with the line set up for the tiger musky. So off to trying to tie a double Uni knot on the water with the sunrise right in my eyes, but I was able to change the line over to another reel and got two lines out. It was an absolutely beautiful morning on the water. The storm cleared everything out and there was only a few clouds in the sky. I believe water temp was 65
One of the reasons for going out was I really wanted to try out the difference in batteries. I got the set up tube dude hooked me up with and started out at just a little over 2 miles an hour. Was seeing big fish but nothing then I bumped up to 3.2 and the rod bent. I only got to fight it for a short time, but it was a strong fish, I lost it, not far from the boat, and this is all that was left on the hook
I’m not an expert, but it appears to be a cheek scale, and it was about an inch long. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
That was the only fish that bent the rod but for my second time chasing tiger Muskie(first time was from shore )I can’t complain. The wind picked up but the red rebel handled it like it was nothing. I was off the water by noon to go get my kids off to their sports. Tube dudes batteries were amazing and helped me fish longer and troll a lot faster.
One of the reasons for going out was I really wanted to try out the difference in batteries. I got the set up tube dude hooked me up with and started out at just a little over 2 miles an hour. Was seeing big fish but nothing then I bumped up to 3.2 and the rod bent. I only got to fight it for a short time, but it was a strong fish, I lost it, not far from the boat, and this is all that was left on the hook
I’m not an expert, but it appears to be a cheek scale, and it was about an inch long. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
That was the only fish that bent the rod but for my second time chasing tiger Muskie(first time was from shore )I can’t complain. The wind picked up but the red rebel handled it like it was nothing. I was off the water by noon to go get my kids off to their sports. Tube dudes batteries were amazing and helped me fish longer and troll a lot faster.