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Happy Halloween on Willard 10-31-22
Since I put this post up I have had a few PMs requesting additional info on the current conditions at the south marina.

First, the water is definitely too low for boats to launch.  Only a foot of water between the ramps and the channel.  And there is a big chunk of concrete sticking up out of the water a short ways off the end of the docks.  Too bad someone can't get in and remove that before the water comes back prevent future prop damage.
[Image: HAZARD.jpg]
Second, it looks like the big water pump set up in the channel last month is being shut down.  It was running as I launched Monday but a truck showed up and shut it down before I left.
[Image: SHUTTING-DOWN.jpg]
Third, the cleaning station is also shut down.  It was open when I got there early in the morning but when I went to fillet my fish it was closed and covered.


Messages In This Thread
Happy Halloween on Willard 10-31-22 - by TubeDude - 11-01-2022, 05:13 PM
RE: Happy Halloween on Willard 10-31-22 - by TubeDude - 11-01-2022, 08:03 PM

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