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Fall Gathering/Catfish contest prize awards
Now the contest is over we need to get some awards or at least congratulations out.. We are looking at Wednesday November 16th  at 5:30 PM for the gathering.  Will this time and date work?  If later would be better let me know or another day.  If this looks okay I'll line up a venue.. probably do the Layton area since it's fairly centrally located for most of the contestants... Since we don't have deep pockets we would request that all that attend be willing to purchase a meal as we gather and visit...  If you would like to make your tackle available for purchase at the event, we have done this on the down low in the past so the vendor won't ask for a percentage... (we like to be able to do this since it's easier than shipping stuff around but we recognize that the vendors probably don't want their location turned into a market place..) So if you could let us know what you would bring so those interested could have means with them to emburse you that would be great...  What else have I missed.. Oh yeah, please respond with the number of visitors that will be coming... (helps me get the correct size location) sometimes it earns us a discount if we have enough show up...  Thanks Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!

Messages In This Thread
Fall Gathering/Catfish contest prize awards - by SkunkedAgain - 11-02-2022, 06:41 PM
RE: Fall Gathering/Catfish contest prize awards - by Fritzfishin - 11-13-2022, 05:13 PM

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