03-05-2023, 11:52 PM
Lance, I think you are right on about Newton... It was really good last year, but that drew a ton of fishermen and I think they caught a really heavy toll on the fish population... The water being so low, had the fish concentrated in a small area so it was easy to find fish there, so everyone did well, now I think the population is much much lower... I think too many kept the bass so what was a great pond is now lacking in bass... I expect as the water returns this year, the fish will start to rebound, but expect dink fish for the next 2-3 years while they grow up... Also expect the low numbers spread over a lot more area will make pretty tough fishing there for a couple years... Hope I'm wrong, but I'm afraid I'm right on this one... Later J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!