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Terrova Universal Transducer
(04-21-2023, 03:47 AM)EyLayo Wrote: In my opinion the us2 ducer is convenient and better than nothing. But, if you want a ducer mounted up front, for not much more effort you'd be happier strapping your better si/di to the TM.

Shawn, I'm not sure where I'm wanting my ducers mounted, in fact I really hadn't ever thought about it.. Right now I have the ducers on the transom and they work fine, but is it better to read the fish before you've already driven past them???  Might be better to have it up front, but I don't think I want to try hooking the ducer on the motor, so I'll probably stay as is and see what info I learn from the us2 ducer on the helix 5...
Maybe in the future upgrades the Mega ducer in the motor would be the way to go???  All these questions that I haven't considered, and didn't think I'd have to, but now I see maybe I should have been???? Thanks for pointing that out... Jeff

(04-21-2023, 05:35 AM)MACMAN Wrote: Jeff, This is my set up and it works pretty good. I have a mega 9” helix at the console and a 7” non mega helix on the bow. Both network units. The 9” console has the down/side transducer on the transom. There is an Ethernet network cable that runs between the console and bow units. The 7” bow unit has the trolling motor transducer ran into it. I can view a mirror image on the 7” bow unit of the mega on the console- viewing all mega screens, though the unit is non-mega, including mega SI and DI. On the 7”, I can switch the transducer in the network setting (menu-menu-scroll all the way right) and it then reads the trolling motor transducer, that only is only in 2d. When both units are reading off the mega transducer, you get some control on the settings individually, and some are over rode by the console unit. Think of control head settings are individually controlled and transducer settings are controlled by the primary unit and the secondary unit is slaved to those setting. Kinda complicated, but it’s working great. I also added the external ahs (heading sensor gps puck) to the console unit and directed both units to read that puck. It increases accuracy dramatically and give my nav screen a heading line that is very useful. That is mounted right in front of my windshield and there is a port it wires directly into. I also just added a LVS 34 Garmin Livescope. Now if I can’t catch them, I can at least see them. They can’t hide anymore. I’m not sure all that really helps my fishing success, but it gives me something to fiddle with when it’s slow. If you want to see it all in action before you drop any coin on it, we could hook up at Willard and you can see if you like that set up. I usually have room in my boat.
I think your set up, to a point before the livescope, is pretty close to what mine could become with the ethernet cable... One question I have about the puck, if I have two separate fish finders and a motor with GPS on the boat already, can't they work together and share that positioning data so you don't need a puck too?  I mean I guess if I ever set up a 360 for the ice, I'll need the puck anyway, but seems like there is no end to the extra doo dad's you have to keep buying... But I have realized that without a reference direction on the 360, it's not near as useful as it is when you know the direction that everything is at...  Anyway I'd love to take a ride with you guys sometime when you're at Willard, it would really help to know what my target is with out trying to find it from brail.... Next time I head down I'll check and see if you're going to be out that day...  I'd like to try the wiper again before the farming kicks in, it will be a busy farm season since everything has been delayed, also lost all my fall wheat so I'll have extra fields to get in that I  wasn't planning on, and if my hay doesn't wake up soon I might be replanting that too... So I expect once it starts my fishing will be over for a while anyway... But it's snowing again this morning so who knows when I'll get on the fields... Later Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!

Messages In This Thread
Terrova Universal Transducer - by SkunkedAgain - 04-20-2023, 04:10 PM
RE: Terrova Universal Transducer - by Therapist - 04-20-2023, 04:26 PM
RE: Terrova Universal Transducer - by 2knots - 04-20-2023, 04:29 PM
RE: Terrova Universal Transducer - by Therapist - 04-20-2023, 09:06 PM
RE: Terrova Universal Transducer - by EyLayo - 04-21-2023, 03:47 AM
RE: Terrova Universal Transducer - by SkunkedAgain - 04-21-2023, 03:58 PM
RE: Terrova Universal Transducer - by PACKFAN - 04-21-2023, 06:11 PM
RE: Terrova Universal Transducer - by MACMAN - 04-21-2023, 05:35 AM
RE: Terrova Universal Transducer - by MACMAN - 04-21-2023, 07:36 PM

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