05-12-2023, 05:07 PM
All great ideas for those that have never used any of these methods, especially with the deeper water at Willard this year. Normally we never use riggers unless the water is deeper than 20 ft, say 30 ft or deeper, we choose to instead use lead core line or snap weight to get our lures down to the depth where the fish are holding. A few years back while fishing with stan55, he showed me the beaded keel weights and how well they work for getting your lure down as deep a 40 ft. About that same time I started using snap weights and the 50/50 method but after fishing with Stan it occurred to me that instead of letting my lure out say 50 ft, then adding my snap weight and letting out another 50 ft, I could just add the snap weight about 5 ft behind the lure, that way I could lift the rod tip high enough to get the fish in the net, without removing the weight. Many times walleye are lost as you pause to remove the snap weight I found, so not having to remove a weight works well. When using a lure on lead core line, it is pretty easy to tell when it is hitting the bottom by the rod tip ticking, as it hits the bottom, so once you find the bottom you simply reel up a little until the ticking stops. It's a little different when it comes to fishing with an inline worm harness because there is no bill on the lure that you can feel ticking the bottom, sometimes all you can see is kind of a rumble on the rod tip that you have to watch for carefully or you will miss it. This info is nothing new for those that already use these methods but for those that have never used them hopefully it will help you be more successful.