03-17-2004, 03:14 PM
well this almost sounds like a conversation we had before, haha well i,m also lookin at it, too, like a stray dog that comes to your door, ya feed em once, they expect it, look fer it and then its either you keep him fer your own or ya shoot him give him away, cause they expect your gonna do it again. what if this person starts it and doesnt do it anymore or no one else takes the job over to keep feedin em, what gonna happen to the deer also. i think the deer would stay around that area waitin on someone to come and they never come. whats the difference twixt that dog or the deer??? when theres no feed in the area and won,t leave. one is different than 50, but ya start feedin one your gonna git more and more, toll your feedin the whole state. wouldnt it be beter fer humans to go out and plant plants that will grow and keep growin eack year, trees whatever, in areas that will sustain these trees plants?? somethin their use to? eatin. so that when a deer sees human, it wont click"FOOD'! when they see human?? what is the difference twixt the both. if i wanted to hep, thats what i,d do, rather than givin money, or truckin stuff, cuase ya dont know where its gonna go in the first place and further more, what the matter with the game warden, why cant they git out and git off there fat everlovins and do some plantin like this that would hep out the deer anyways when it seems to me its goes along with keepin there job and theor deer herds alive so they still got a job. cause if ya aint got the animals in the first place, or good woods they aint got a job anyways. da! what i cant figure, is the state gits paid fer alot, but what do they do fer their own state, it ticks me off. they leave it up to the ones who pay all the bills to do it and they do -----. whats wrong here?? or is it me?? it even happens here!