05-16-2023, 10:01 PM
(05-16-2023, 08:22 PM)TubeDude Wrote: Yep. Still around. Still on this side of the grass and still able to mow it.
Hope all is well in your world. What part of Washington do you live in? Backpacking 1000 ft of elevation? Wimp. I have done Mount Whitney in California multiple times...over 14,000 ft. Probably have trouble with the 1000 feet these days.
Good to hear from you.
I live in western washington in the Seattle/Bellevue area. Plenty of lakes, but the freshwater fishing is surprisingly not as good as Utah, especially high mountain lakes are often sterile and lifeless or with very few fish. Going to the Cascades here is nothing like going to the Uintas.
Of course, we have Puget Sound, salmon, crab, etc. so that's nice but my float tube doesn't seem seaworthy enough for those waters.
I'll be backpacking with some boy scouts at Baker Lake which is a lowland lake, but still fairly remote and with old growth forests. Supposedly has lots of Kokanee salmon, but we'll have no way to get out to fish for those. Hopefully can catch some rainbows or whitefish or something from shore. Tallest mountain I hiked was Timp back when I was 8 years old. I don't see the point of hiking to the top of a mountain, there's no water and no fish.