(05-18-2023, 01:40 PM)doitall5000 Wrote: I saw very little on sonar today and caught less. I did see some stacks of fish in the Eagle Beach area but since I got no bites from them I am guessing they were spawning shad. I know if they were crappies I would have caught some. Right.
[Image: SCREEN-5-17-23.jpg]
When I looked at your picture of your Garmin I see fish on the down images but there is no sign on your side scan. Does the side scan show good structures just outside the north marina?
The infrequent "stacks" of fish I saw in Eagle Beach did not always show up on side scan. For me, it has been better for finding fish on the bottom or close to it. And, yes, it is useful for seeing "bottom anomalies" (say that fast about 3 times). I have observed individual rocks, humps and bumps...and even long ridges left over from the dike building days. And when those things attract structure loving fish, they do usually show up. It is an interesting show when you pull within range of a rock dike or wall.
(05-18-2023, 01:52 PM)RockyRaab2 Wrote: For me, Willard on side scan is nothing but flat featureless nothing, except near the humps and islands. People tell me you can see fish on side scan, but I sure can't.
As I commented to DIA5000...I also usually don't see many fish on sidescan unless they are on or near the bottom. But I do see them and have taken advantage of seeing small groups to alter my course to drag my offerings through them. I have caught quite a few fish that I might otherwise have missed had I not change course. My only problem is that my tube moves backward and the sidescan displays as if I was moving forward...as on a boat. So I have to remind myself the left is right and right is wrong...or whatever.
One of our other BFTmembers...a fellow perch jerker...has a pretty intense sonar system with super side scan. Here is a picture of his screen during a day last year when the perch were massing up outside the north marina. He had a good day that day.