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(05-23-2023, 01:48 PM)duksnfish Wrote: So, its been a couple of years now since I've been able to get on the water due to my health, but, I'm gonna try it this year and see what I have been wanting to do but havent. The last thing I did was to repair the floor in my boat as I had a couple of places the original floor was rotting out. (It's a 73 Reinell) But, I follow pretty closely whats been going on on Ririe the last couple of years as it relates to boats being sunk by wake boarders and wake rules not being followed and these have made me a little hesitant to try getting on the water. I dont mind going really early to beat the crowd, but, not being able to really move my legs and swim if I had to, really make me hesitant to go out.
So, the question is, what's the thoughts about hitting the water, and I know to get off before 11:00 anyhow at the latest. I am hungering for a few kokes in the basket to enjoy some good eating. With this said, I havent seen many if any at all as to what's happening with the catch rate on kokes this year and how folks are doing. I dont have any hesitation to get out if the catch is up this year, and knowing that it's a pretty good chance at putting a few in the basket.

I'm just looking for a few thoughts on safely being able to get on Ririe this year and knowing when to get off the water. I fully understand some of those issues, but, I'd like some thoughts on whether or not it's worth the trip or not. Any thoughts are appreciated and as many say, I'm not looking for your spots on the water, I've fished Ririe a lot in the past and know where to go, just trying to think if it's worth the effort or not. Thanks everyone for comments in advance. Fire away pro and con.

We were out a couple weeks ago and end up with five or six trout 16- 18 inches I’m trolling kokenee Gear. Thought we may have had one Kokanee on but lost it a long way out. Talked to somebody who said they caughtt one. more on the Juniper side.

Messages In This Thread
RIRIE? IS IT WORTH THE CHANCE? - by duksnfish - 05-23-2023, 01:48 PM
RE: RIRIE? IS IT WORTH THE CHANCE? - by duksnfish - 05-24-2023, 12:02 PM
RE: RIRIE? IS IT WORTH THE CHANCE? - by kentd71 - 05-26-2023, 05:54 AM
RE: RIRIE? IS IT WORTH THE CHANCE? - by duksnfish - 06-18-2023, 02:39 PM
RE: RIRIE? IS IT WORTH THE CHANCE? - by duksnfish - 06-19-2023, 11:05 PM
RE: RIRIE? IS IT WORTH THE CHANCE? - by duksnfish - 06-20-2023, 12:54 PM
RE: RIRIE? IS IT WORTH THE CHANCE? - by duksnfish - 06-21-2023, 01:46 PM

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