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Snow at Trial and Moosehorn?
(05-31-2023, 03:52 AM)EyLayo Wrote: After cruising the highway, what's your best guess on when it will be ready to be opened?

MAYBE the 4th of July, maybe.
Not only is the road packed, but everywhere you go, even south facing slopes, still have 3-4’ snow.
It snowed on us that trip!
I went through the campground at Trial and only one picnic table had an edge exposed, all the others were covered and I could not tell where they were.
Same with the tables at Teapot and Lilly, we drove over them and only saw 25% of one table exposed.
I suppose if the sun really gets after it maybe it will be a week earlier.
Once some bare ground gets opened up that will really accelerate the melt.
I drove over to the two cabins at Trial and they have snow up to the windows.

Messages In This Thread
Snow at Trial and Moosehorn? - by MrShane - 05-29-2023, 01:46 PM
RE: Snow at Trial and Moosehorn? - by EyLayo - 05-29-2023, 02:09 PM
RE: Snow at Trial and Moosehorn? - by MrShane - 05-29-2023, 07:13 PM
RE: Snow at Trial and Moosehorn? - by Kent - 05-30-2023, 02:08 AM
RE: Snow at Trial and Moosehorn? - by MrShane - 05-30-2023, 04:08 AM
RE: Snow at Trial and Moosehorn? - by EyLayo - 05-31-2023, 03:52 AM
RE: Snow at Trial and Moosehorn? - by MrShane - 05-31-2023, 04:46 AM

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