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Rain rain are you handling it?
We finally got one of those 'red' flash downpours.  It tends to always split around us for some reason, but we did finally have one. Oh my, we had a really hard rain for about 20 min, we had over 1.25 inches fall. It overwhelmed our gutters and flooded into our big double wide window well so much that it was up 6 inches on the windows and started seeping in fast. Luckily our son was visiting at the time because it was all hands on deck! We did what we could to catch almost of it. Then we got out a sump pump to pump it out and move it farther out from the house. Whew! Good thing we were home at the time, or the water would have gotten underneath the flooring and would have been an expensive repair job! 

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Hope others are staying dry - it's nice to have the water supply though. Hopefully it'll help with all the fires that are burning as well.

Messages In This Thread
Rain rain are you handling it? - by jjannie - 08-05-2023, 06:20 PM

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