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Anyone been fishing the berry lately ?
A couple of weeks ago my brother and I went, out of Renegade. We had gotten a hot tip and tried trolling pop gear. All we caught was weeds. We kept going east and eventually found a concentration of fish. We started casting white tube jigs and that was the ticket. We caught about ten each in the couple of hours we had left.

Kent and I went about ten days ago. We went to a couple of his favorite spots. We tried casting white tube jigs. I had the best luck just jigging. I caught a few dead-sticking. Kent said it was quite a slow day--he only caught 15. I caught five.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.

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RE: Anyone been fishing the berry lately ? - by catchinon - 09-02-2023, 05:08 PM

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