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Where do carp go in the winter?
Yesterday, the temperatures were 10 degrees above normal for November, so I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and go find some carp to shoot with my bow.  (By the way, carp carcasses make excellent fertilizer for your tomato garden.) Anyway, I went to the Provo Boat Harbor at Utah Lake, motored out to a nearby bay where there are usually lots of carp in the summer.  The water, terrain, and vegetation looked perfect for carp, but after nearly an hour of wading around in cold water I hadn't seen a single fish.  The fish finder didn't see any either. So I concluded that the carp must abandon the warmer, shallower water near the shoreline and go somewhere else during the winter.  Either that or the carp-eradication crews have done a super job.  So I'm asking the experts, where do carp go when the weather turns cold. Do they hibernate in deeper water?  Is it possible to find them somewhere, or should I just wait until spring and they return to the shallow water to spawn? I guess I could ask the same question about catfish. Guys fishing for catfish in the same area reported no success. I will appreciate any knowledge you are willing to share.

Messages In This Thread
Where do carp go in the winter? - by SkinnyLynnie - 11-05-2023, 10:50 PM
RE: Where do carp go in the winter? - by TubeDude - 11-06-2023, 03:59 PM
RE: Where do carp go in the winter? - by Bduck - 11-07-2023, 01:23 PM

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