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I Need A New Float Tube.....Which One?
I have a older float tube (horse-shoe shaped) that has done well for 20 years.  However its getting to the point that I don't know if I would trust it much longer so I'm looking to update.
Initially I was looking at the Pontoon style...but then got real and had to face the fact that I'll only use it a few times a year and I don't need something that big taking up room etc.  Plus who knows....I may end up taking it on a 4 wheeler ride to more remote locations. etc.
Then I went to the Outcast/FishCat/FatCat style....and also came to the conclusion that while oars may be nice....I just realisticly won't use them.
It's come down to trying to figure out the best options between the "Super Fat Cat LCS"....the "Fat Cat LCS"....or the FishCat 4 LCS.

For those with experience with any of these...can you offer up some pros/cons of them?

One of my biggest questions is the difference between the inflatable seat/back-rest compared to the foam.  I get one will pack down better....but what about comfort?  I'm guessing the foam gives more support?

I guess my list of needs would be ....Sturdy, butt up out of the water, light and easy to add back-pack straps to or load on wheeler.

Thank you for your input!!

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I Need A New Float Tube.....Which One? - by rgreenland - 02-16-2024, 06:27 PM

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