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I Need A New Float Tube.....Which One?
I have fished out of Fat Cats for almost 20 years and I don't think you can go wrong with any of the "cats". You already have received advice from two of the most knowledgeable float anglers anywhere, so there isn't a ton to add, but i might mention a couple of "preference items" you may consider.

Super Fat Cat vs Fat Cat: I am an insufferable spazz with hooks, pens, knives and heaven knows what around inflatable items. Therefore, it would be almost inevitable that I would poke a hole and flatten the inflatable seat. I have heard some SFC users grumble about flats and others don't. I just know my luck and went with the foam. You may have better luck. It seems the air filled seats are a little more comfy.

I am about 200 lbs and fit in a Fat Cat about perfectly. I am a bit cramped in a Fish Cat. A fishing buddy is a fit 180 ish and the Fish Cat works great for him. If you are well over 2 bills, you definitely should go with the SFC or Fat Cat.

My only grumble with the entire line is back support. I have tried all manner of supports and modifications to help this, with varying success. If you have a lot of back problems, I would consider getting a pontoon or other ride.

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RE: I Need A New Float Tube.....Which One? - by doggonefishin - 02-17-2024, 03:37 AM

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