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Flaming Gorge shore report with a wheelchair
Hard for those of us that haven't had to face the challenges to imagine what you have to deal with. I used to take my FIL fishing and he was rather large and as age took it's toll we had to find some creative ways to still be able to get him out... One day I found the ice with a 10' gap and his balance was never good, so getting him to walk the plank wasn't going to happen, so I loaded him in the back of my truck, and backed down the boat ramp until my tailgate was over the ice and had him get on and off the ice that way... It worked, and we even showed others how to get on the ice without a plank that day...Only problem was for the guy that had to park the truck.. Anyway, I'm glad you guys can go and do the things you enjoy together, hope those means will be available for you to do it as much as you care to... Keep the videos coming... J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!

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RE: Flaming Gorge shore report with a wheelchair - by SkunkedAgain - 04-10-2024, 03:04 PM

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