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Annual Strawberry Trip Open Invite
(06-07-2024, 08:17 PM)Gone Forever Wrote:
(06-07-2024, 12:28 AM)obifishkenobi Wrote: I am doing my annual multi day trip to Strawberry 6/20-623 this year, camping on C loop at the Berry. We will be catching crawdads Friday night for a crawfish boil Saturday evening, anybody that wants to take part in either endeavor is welcome to join. I have 3 open seats for Friday morning available and 2 for Sunday morning for kokanee fishing, Saturday morning I will be participating in the Cast For Kids event. If you would like to claim a spot or want details on the crawfish endeavor send me a PM and we will work out the details.

Once again I will not be able to attend due to work obligations.  Could really use an hour with you though, can't seem to figure out the mapping on my Garmin Ecomap 7SV.
Post up how you do on the dads. I've several new traps this year I want to see how they do and have a boil.
You are welcome to borrow them for your excursion.
We don’t use traps we catch them by scooping them up with nets on the launch ramp or putting a chicken leg on a string and watching them climb on then drag them to a net, with a few folks participating it does not  take long to fill a cooler.

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RE: Annual Strawberry Trip Open Invite - by obifishkenobi - 06-07-2024, 08:57 PM

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