Just got back from a 3-day trip out of San Diego on the Pacific Dawn. We fished the area around San Clemente Island, vertical jigging at night and fishing bait during the day, fly-lining sardines hooked near the pelvic fin and nose hooked with 2-3 ounce weights 3' above the bait. There were ten of us, the limit was 6/man, exclusively bluefin tuna. It's okay to catch more, as a few didn't get their fish and the crew has limits also, but you can only keep 6. I caught a total of 8 fish, which weighed nearly 500#, and the 6 I kept weighed ~400#. Most fish came from 240'-360' down, at night, on heavy jigs. Mine started out red, but color didn't matter, as it quickly lost its paint. A good time was had by all:
Single main, no kicker.