I won’t go into long version of story, but one fishing trip some “buddies” put a carp in our boat livewell when we had met up for lunch on the shore at lake Powell. So we decided we would turn the joke on them!! I carefully filleted and deboned the carp cooked it seperate of the other fish in case it might taint the rest. We slid the plate of fried carp out on the table with the other buddies unaware!!! We sat back and waited for crazy reaction! Those two just kept eating piece after piece, no reaction. The other two of us started laughing , they thought it was because they had gotten us on the sneaking the CARP into live well! We told them and they wouldn’t believe it. I told them to look out the window of the trailer where I had displayed the filleted carcass on the front of their boat!! Laugh on them! They said, well it tasted great, we all ate some and it was darn good!! With that being said , I have not kept or eaten one since , but it was actually quite good!!
time spent fishing isn't deducted from ones life