I like sleeping in ! I was chilling on the couch till 10:30, then brother texted and mentioned he was going to go, so I quickly threw my stuff together, grabbed a sandwich , hooked up the wheeler trailer and headed out the door, met him up there.
We were fishing by 12:30 and home for dinner before 6 ! Perfect day, Sunny, not much wind and we didn’t have to take ice tents down , because we never put them up!
Great day of fishing. Earliest I’ve hit the lake is 9 am this year. I think this was trip #5 for me , brother at least 3 or 4 more times than me , we have done well every trip so far. Fingers crossed for at least a couple more.
We were fishing by 12:30 and home for dinner before 6 ! Perfect day, Sunny, not much wind and we didn’t have to take ice tents down , because we never put them up!
Great day of fishing. Earliest I’ve hit the lake is 9 am this year. I think this was trip #5 for me , brother at least 3 or 4 more times than me , we have done well every trip so far. Fingers crossed for at least a couple more.
time spent fishing isn't deducted from ones life