Yesterday, 04:06 PM
(This post was last modified: Yesterday, 04:12 PM by obifishkenobi.)
(Yesterday, 04:31 AM)Jmorfish Wrote: Anybody been up to/doing any good at da Berry lately..taking a group of guys up Sat A.M...think we'll be just out somewhere in Strawberry Bay...
Just my two cents for what it worth, is wherever you get on, walk as far as your willing or capable of away from the access point. Strawberry Bay is the most pressured place on the lake and every fish in that area has likely been sore lipped several time by now. In my experience specific spots are not that important at Strawberry you can literally walk strait out into the middle of the TriangleĀ and there will be fish. A half hour walk will produce a lot better fishing. you can set up a tent and let the fish come to you or better yet if you want to have faster action, punch a hole drop down catch the couple easy fish that are there and when the bite slows walk 50 ft. punch another hole catch the easy ones wash rinse and repeat creating a circuit of holes you can work back through. In general there will be three bands of fish the ones on the bottom often times harder to hook especially in deeper water the ones in the middle of the water Colum you can chase up and down on the graph and the most aggressive ones that you wont necessarily see on your fish finder just under the ice. Last face book report I saw said there is a couple inches of slush and a half a foot of snow I cant attest to the accuracy of that. Another good option is the shuttle service it cost like $40 a person and they will take you wherever you want to go, be aware that they do not start operations until 8am and you should be there at least an hour before that to secure a spot at the front of the line to go out first. Good luck out there tomorrow I hope you guys get into them.