Today, 12:09 AM
(Yesterday, 02:29 PM)dubob Wrote:Hoping I can find something like that..would (ideally) like to be able to handle in/out of back of truck, without a trailer..wish, wish..with the heavy battery/ies out one of those units may be doable in the not too distant future..(Yesterday, 01:23 AM)Jmorfish Wrote: Yup..these e-snow bikes, snow boards, mini snow mobiles, etc. are definitely interesting, and surprisingly, none made in U.S. too bad..I think something like these will be seen out on our ice ponds in the near future...just like many ice fishers switching from gas augers to electric..The ENVO SnowKart is from a Canadian company located in BC. They are currently sold out and my coorspondance with them says if I want one, pre-order it in September of this year. They will ship units to the States.
There are 2 dealerships listed in SLC that have sold ENVO products, but have not ordered/sold any SnowKarts to date. I doubt there will be any seen in Utah until or unless a local dealer stocks them. If they become available for purchase locally, I think they might catch on. I doubt they will have enough power to pull a train of sleds like the SnowDogs do. But they should be ideal for one person with a sled full of gear.