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new "cat in the hat " movie
Parents , Do yourself a favor , don't get it !

that piece of garbage is not worth picking out of the gutter .

within a few minutes of it's start i had to turn it off from the kids , disgusting "mature " play on words thru out the whole thing ! even a schene where the cat turns the mother's photo into a centerfold .

i can't belive universal studios thinks this is the kind of stuff we responsible parents want our kids to see and hear . there targeting our kids and making them think that "almost adult language" is acceptiable , much like a child preditor would do .

my opinion , tar , feathers , and the business end of a lousieville slugger is what the producer of that junk needs . because this is a family friendly site , i am holding back on what i'de really like to see happen to the mental midget .

dr. suesse never intended his stories to be told like this .

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new "cat in the hat " movie - by lonehunter - 03-22-2004, 10:46 PM

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