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Who's registered for the Poker Tournament?
theangler,<br>It is well worth the trouble to register. I did make a mistake thoe. I went to the site to check out the practice games at 10:00pm and was realy suprised to see the game that I played in High School. It put me in a state of trance. I just went to a game and watched play after play and player after player. I was so involved with the games that my wife had to come and tell me the time at 4:30am. it took me another 1/2 hour to pull myself away and shut down my computer. I was so excited about the games that I again was on the computer by 7:30. <br>So a fair WARNING to all: Do not go to the site to watch a practice game untill you have ample time to stick around for a lengthy time. It is addictive to watch. I will go back for a fix soon as I do not want withdraw to get the best of me untill after the tournament. <br>Just remember all you other anglers out there. This is A game that I have played since the early 70's. So go and get registered for the games and start practiceing the game as you will need all the practice you can get. The only anglers I worry about is the Texas anglers as it is their game also. I will be at the practice games to perfect my skills. <br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher &lt;*(())))))))))&gt;{<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

Messages In This Thread
Re: Who's registered for the Poker Tournament? - by ssor - 04-19-2002, 03:20 AM
Re: IMPORTANT POKER TOURNY NEWS! - by theangler - 04-23-2002, 07:43 PM
Re: IMPORTANT POKER TOURNY NEWS! - by davetclown - 04-25-2002, 05:06 PM

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