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Lincoln beach report
I had some mixed bag of action today... took my boat out and the harbor is 3-4 feet deep, and once out of the harbor, becomes five to six feet in a hurry. So This is very very good for this spring.

Went drifting with the winds on the first try, I caught a walleye, which was about `17-18 inch. Then I proceeded to go back to point A to start another round of wind drift. My boat wouldn't start... drat, fouled spark plugs!

I used both trolling motor to head back into the harbor... yeah I know slow going int the winds haha... then arrived to take the damned fool plugs out, and it was all black and sooty. I went around asking if anybody had a wire brush so I can polish it up and see if it would start... well this guy with a very nice ranger bass boat gave me two free spark plugs. (Bless his heart and soul!) I noticed the difference between mine and his plugs was.

Mine has the normal look, (NGK R BP28H-N) with the scorpion look while the new gift plugs was a (NGK BU8H)flat flushed on the ingniter/connection end. Very unconventional from my experience... but it sure worked. BUT since it didn't come from mercury or SS marine, should I continue to use that plug?

Now is that type of plug good for my mercury 40 horse?

Messages In This Thread
Lincoln beach report - by glassyeyedPaul - 04-04-2004, 03:34 AM
Re: [Gumbo] Lincoln beach report - by kentofnsl - 04-05-2004, 01:27 PM

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