04-15-2004, 04:37 AM
Took the porta-bote out to hyrum tonight and stopped at Lee's marine to borrow his tachometer to check the rpms on the new 5hp 4 stroke. We trolled with pop gear and worm and caught 3 planter rainbows. The finder showed plenty of small fish from 10-20ft south of the swim beach. Water temp was 48.
Now for the problem: the motor is only getting 2500 rpm at full throttle with just me in the boat, which was 11mph and barely on a plane. When two are in the boat we got 2230 rpm, 8mph and no plane. I will talk to Lee tomorrow, he thought we should go to a lower pitch prop, like a 6 instead of the 8 it came with. I'm sure he can help me figure it out.
Now for the problem: the motor is only getting 2500 rpm at full throttle with just me in the boat, which was 11mph and barely on a plane. When two are in the boat we got 2230 rpm, 8mph and no plane. I will talk to Lee tomorrow, he thought we should go to a lower pitch prop, like a 6 instead of the 8 it came with. I'm sure he can help me figure it out.