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[font "Georgia"][size 2] [/size][/font] Sturgeon season opens April 24

New regulations designed to protect the recovering lake sturgeon population will be in effect when the season opens April 24 on the Minnesota-Ontario border, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

Anglers may harvest one sturgeon per season from 45 to 50 inches, or more than 75 inches through May 7. Catch-and-release fishing is allowed through May 16. Harvest will also be allowed July 1 through Sept. 30, with catch-and-release fishing Oct. 1 through April 23.

Anglers who harvest a sturgeon are required to sign and date their license. To minimize harm to sturgeon that are caught and released, anglers are not allowed to use a gaff while fishing on the Rainy River.

Lake sturgeon in the Minnesota-Ontario border waters are recovering from decades of low population levels due to over harvest and habitat degradation such as water pollution and the effects of dams. Records show that natural reproduction of lake sturgeon and number of lake sturgeon have increased over the past 20 years.

Despite these improvements, lake sturgeon populations are still recovering and have yet to reach their full potential in these waters. While smaller fish are more abundant, there are relatively few older fish longer than 55 inches.

Known to live up to 150 years and weigh up to 400 pounds, the lake sturgeon is one of the largest freshwater fish in North America. Females are at least 26 years old (57 inches long) and males are 17 years old before they are able to reproduce. Once mature, males may spawn once every two to three years while females may go from four to nine years between spawning cycles.

Archeological records show that lake sturgeon have existed since prehistoric times but are sensitive to harvesting and habitat modification.

The DNR's long-range goal for lake sturgeon in the border waters area is to re-establish and maintain self-sustaining stocks of lake sturgeon, provide a recreational fishery and provide opportunities to encounter large, trophy-sized fish.

As part of a commitment to gather better information on this unique species, the DNR will monitor this fishery more intensively this spring and sturgeon will also be tagged.

As a result, anglers who catch a tagged fish are asked to record the tag number, location and date. Tags should not be removed from any fish that will be released. Tag information may be submitted to DNR Fisheries in Baudette by calling (218) 634-2522 or by e-mailing

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STURGEON SEASON OPENS APRIL 24 - by Flagmanonice - 04-16-2004, 04:43 AM

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