04-23-2004, 02:14 PM
yessa, i,d shoot a good size doe, to shootin an little buck, here in vermont the choice shortly of whether to shoot the spikes, isnt gonna be a choice soon. they are makin it so,s ya can,t shoot spikes.law. that dont hurt my feelin none. too many do shoot em and i have always passed em up to let em grow. if i cant git a good size buck then i dont need one. i love huntin, love nature, watchin them grow from year to year, goin out and gittin my blackberries, takin the hounds and seein em, learnin where they,re travelin and doin, and what there eatin on different times of year, and the little ones are so cute to watch em play in the fields, oh i see where one doe had 3 last year, ahah that was cool, ya dont see that too often. but s fer as shootin them little bucks, i guess, i,m not htat bad off yet so,s i need to shoot a spike. i dont bow hunt, and dont muzzle yet, but hopin to git me one of the youth rossi muzzleloader this year with the 243 and 20 gauge, barrels so,s i can go. and i believe then if i ahve the chance to git a good size doe, i will. the boys aint likin it they cant shoot the little ones anymore, tough ----- thats why we haven.t had as many big bucks taken the last few years. they,ve shot most all off. and the little ones too, and it ticks me off. when they wont allow anythi to grow. but we been gittin more here too other than just our boys, in this one area, it,s downcountries comin up, too, and i,m tryin not to run em down, but they seem to just shoot anytin that moves, almost ME! and that ticks me right off. when i,m up above my own house and down below. thee too lazy to really git out and hunt and shoot from there truck winders. from the road too. this is where the game warden need to come in. we need more of em. es[pecially certain area,s not only that the fish and game are finally startin to git involved and can do somethin. up till now, the congressmen had control over the fish and game. finally there allowin them to have control and to be able to do somethin.finally the congressmen have smartened up enough to see they shouldnt have control of fish and game cause they know nothin about biologists and the study of nature and animals. now that we have few in certain areas, now we pay fer it. with our deer herds. it werent nothin years ago to go up thru the gulf, up in barre vt. and see a hundred deer out in the farmers fields grazin and not scat of ya. now i go and i,m lucky if we see 15. 20. out there. stinks. that aint includidn the --- that like to pouch the deer git hit, or idiots that like to shoot and find out later they got a doe or little buck and leave it that come up. that ticks me right off. and i say to them they bst be watchin there step when i ,m around. i,m a good hunter and mister man dont tick me off. haha at leasxt here we got good sportmen. but i dont begrudge someone if i know thats hurtin to feed his family when they got nothin, to take what they need. around here i know most all the boys.but i still dont care fer it when they would take the spikes, but what can i do about that. but it,s changin, maybe fer the good. later i run it long enough again i guess. ahha later[
