05-13-2004, 03:16 AM
You guys are a hard bunch to figure, OK, change 444. Just the teams that have shown interest to this point will be in the contest. Just so we all are on the same page, I don't want to see 50 wipers at the check in point. Like I said before, only bring your largest wiper to be checked in, so that means no more than two wipers per team. If there are 12 teams, there will be no more than 24 wipers to be checked in. I'll post the teams one last time, if any of you don't show up by 8:45(at the latest) on Saturday May 22nd then you won't be allowed to check in a fish at 3pm. The contest is a week from this Saturday, I hope all you guys are ready, now all we need is some good weather. WH2