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The fight has begun!<br><br>Big-Government Liberals are vowing that they will reject any<br>legislation that would make your tax cuts permanent!<br><br>Friends, it disturbs me when I hear these kinds of comments.<br>THIS IS NOT THEIR MONEY. THEY DIDN'T WORK FOR IT,<br>AND THEY CERTAINLY DIDN'T EARN IT. BUT THEY DO<br>WANT TO SPEND IT.<br><br>Of course I'm talking about YOUR money, and their plan to<br>spend it on their "FAT CAT" projects.<br><br>This is preposterous!<br><br>As one Republican House Member said, if President Bush's tax<br>cut plan isn't made permanent the American people will "see the<br>largest tax increase our nation has ever forced upon them."<br>This is precisely why our "Keep The Tax Cuts" initiative is so<br>vital. The American people need to keep beating the drum and<br>sounding the alarm--alerting every taxpaying citizen that unless<br>these tax cuts are made permanent, all of America will lose .<br><br> All but big government, that is! Big Government spenders<br>stand to receive the biggest windfall of all--provided they can<br>convince a nation that President Bush's tax cut strategy is a big<br>mistake.<br><br>And unless we keep the pressure on, the scenario I just described<br>may come true!<br><br>We have already delivered over 50,000 petitions to Capitol Hill at<br>Congressman Dick Armey's Town Hall meeting on Tax Day,<br>April 15th.<br><br>But we can't stop there. Now we want to deliver at least 75,000<br>petitions to Capitol Hill in support of this vitally important bill as<br>soon as possible.<br><br>* * * *ACTION ITEM<br><br>><br>(AOL Users click the line below, all others use the above link: )<br><a href="">Click<br>here</a><br><br>I AM CONVINCED THAT WE CAN SHORT-CHANGE THE<br>DEMOCRATS' PLAN TO TAKE AWAY THE TAX CUTS.<br>THE QUESTION IS "Are you willing to fight for what is<br>rightfully yours?"<br><br>I BELIEVE YOU ARE, AND AM COUNTING ON YOU TO<br>MAKE A DIFFERENCE. PLEASE E-MAIL YOUR FRIENDS<br>RIGHT NOW.<br><br>Thank you!<br><br><br>Congressman Tom Davis<br>Chairman, NRCC<br><br><br>P.S. PLEASE FORWARD THIS MESSAGE TO AT LEAST 20<br>OF YOUR FRIENDS TODAY--URGING THEM TO SIGN THE<br>PETITION TO "KEEP THE TAX CUTS":<br><br>P.P.S. See Rep. Dick Armey with your petitions at the recent Town<br>Hall meeting in Washington, D.C.:<br><br><a href=" ">Click here</a><br><br><br>+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +<br>IF YOU HAVEN'T DONE SO ALREADY, CLICK HERE TO<br>SIGN OUR PETITION TO "KEEP THE TAX CUTS":<br><br><br><br>(AOL Users click the line below, all others use the above link: )<br><a href="">Click<br>here</a><br><br> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +<br>FOR A NEW "LINK" MESSAGE TO FORWARD TO YOUR<br>FRIENDS, CLICK HERE:<br><br><br><br>(AOL Users click the line below, all others use the above link: )<br><a href="">Click<br>here</a><br><br><br><br><br>

Messages In This Thread
KEEP THE TAX CUTS - by twoindyhicks - 05-13-2002, 02:34 PM
Re: KEEP THE TAX CUTS - by davetclown - 05-14-2002, 08:35 AM
Re: KEEP THE TAX CUTS - by johnincolorado - 05-22-2002, 01:14 PM
Re: KEEP THE TAX CUTS - by davetclown - 05-22-2002, 06:12 PM

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