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Sunday on Conesus Lake
Went out on Conesus Lake Sunday. Saw a lot of people fishing the North and South ends. We were unable to do much moving around because the battery in the boat was low and we had to jump it with a portable powerpack. We anchored in a little nook toward the south that has produced good numbers of panfish and pike for us in the past. We threw minnows, worms, spinners, and a variety of lures to no luck. I did catch a good sized bluegill, but just one. We spoke to a couple of groups of people passing by, they said they were bringing in good pike on just about anything they threw (of course). So we moved toward the northern end. We anchored by some docks, but all we caught were some more bluegills. As we were leaving we passed over a couple of huge schools of what appeared to be bass. They were all good sized and looked tasty. We pointed them out to some guys in a canoe that looked like they were looking for bass. They said they were catching some monsters by various docks.

So apparently, to catch the pike there, trolling the edges seemed to be the best producer. Of course, had we been trolling the edges, they'd have been in the deep water in the middle. If your into catch and release bass fishing, they seemed to be located in the shallow water (3-5 feet) around docks.

All in all, it was a productive day. I got a bluegill dinner, and I didn't have to mow my yard.

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Sunday on Conesus Lake - by baitdrowner - 05-17-2004, 04:29 PM

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