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Visions of a Better Utah Lake
I remember reading in the SL Tribune a few years ago about a plan to dredge the lake. It was being propoosed by a state rep. from provo. Besides funding the feds were saying no because of the June Sucker. Under his proposal they would dredge up the lake and create hundreds of various size islands. I seem to recall the islands would have been up to ten acres in size. This would have done two things a parts of the lake would be deeper and the islands would have served as wave breaks. As these islands would be comprised of the muck of the bottom of the lake they would erode back into the lake. So the plan was to keep a small dredge working recreating the islands indefinatly.

Maybe this would help the lake. I would assume they could get cattails and grasses growing on these islands and slow down the erosion rate.


Messages In This Thread
Visions of a Better Utah Lake - by PrinceFisher - 05-26-2004, 10:00 PM
Re: [Curtisfish] Visions of a Better Utah Lake - by Bigfishrule - 05-28-2004, 10:18 PM

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