05-26-2002, 09:43 PM
It seems to vanish when it hits the water and is harder so more abrasion resistant so that's an advantage, the divantage is like I said is you have to be careful with your knots. <br><br>I've been fising 49 of my 54 years and have been a commercial as well as a deckhand on long range and local and spent a lot of personal time fishing so I tie good knots in everything from 2# fly leaders to 130# .<br><br>I also know how to romance a nice 'butt to gaff on lite string without having it go bonkers at the side of the boat before you can net it or gaff it.<br><br>I'm not going to toos the FC, but you can bet that I'll use the Trilene knot or the Albright in it from now on. <br><br>