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2nd hand Starvation report
There was only intermitant breezes on the Gorge Saturday, but the co-worker told me that at 2:30 it started blowing down here, and didn't let up until dark. It blew about average (10-15m.p.h. with gusts around 25) for out here all day Sunday and yesterday instead of just in the afternoon. With the weather report, I would guess this week will be bad until at least Thursday. It isn't blowing at all right now, but I bet by 2:00-3:00, it will be.

The last few weeks have just been rotten out here for wind. We may have had two or three days where it wasn't blowing all day long.

When are you coming back out to SW? My girlfriend and her brother are bugging me to take the boat over there more so we can learn the lake better. Thier grandpa has fished it since he was a kid, and they say he can give us all the info we would ever need on catching the larger trout. He pulls a few of those "nice Browns" out of there very year. You know the ones I mean. They showed me some pictures, and all I can say is "WOW"!

Messages In This Thread
2nd hand Starvation report - by Curtisfish - 06-08-2004, 05:55 PM
Re: [polokid] 2nd hand Starvation report - by Curtisfish - 06-08-2004, 06:44 PM

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