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Fat fish from M-day (pics)
porta homer guessed it.
We trolled for about half of the time and fished bait and flies the other half of the time. We did have a bite on bait and another bite on flies but all of the fish that we landed were caught by trolling. All of the fish in the pictures were caught on a #5 Silver Blue Fox spinners 40-60 yards behind the boat. I was using 17lb mono on the baitcaster that I caught all of the bigger ones on so none of the fights lasted more than a couple of minutes.
All of the fish were also chuck full of #12-#16 olive colored fresh water shrimp.

Messages In This Thread
Fat fish from M-day (pics) - by BrianID - 06-08-2004, 01:36 PM
Re: [porta_homer] Fat fish from M-day (pics) - by BrianID - 06-09-2004, 10:53 PM

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