06-07-2002, 01:21 AM
Hi Folks me again,<br><br>Well over 200 lures have been sent out in the last week and all of you should have yours very soon, i wish you the best and look forward to your replies and comments. If you would like a couple of LuckyLures to test, simply send me an email and i will do my best to ship some to you very soon...<br><br>Best applications for these lures would be the following,<br><br>Beach Casting (Lures are vertical weighted, no need for weight)<br><br>Dock fishing, (perfect for the bottom jigging)<br><br>Boat drift fishing, lures avaliable in many different weights.<br><br>River casting for larger game fish such as salmon.<br><br>Trolling with or without flashers or added tools.<br><br>If you see a style above your a luckylure potential user, as far as types of fish i would have to leave that to you. I personally hunt SALMON and do very well with the luckylure.<br><br>Again, all the best.<br>Brad<br>Luckylures ltd.<br>ib4s@shaw.ca<br><br>P.S support www.bigfishtackle.com its a great webiste/service and they are a great bunch of folks
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