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An afternoon Lake Mead trip planned 6/9/04
[size 2] [font "comic Sans MS"] We got an earlier start then expected. Headed out around 3:00 PM and got out there at around 4:30. Spent the whole night out there, couldn't have asked for a better night. The wind finally slowed down just before sundown and stayed light all night. By morning the tally was 4 Striper, 4 Catfish, and two Carp. The better bite started around 02:00 AM until daybreak. We used anchovies, worms and shrimp but the shrimp didn't produce a single bite. One striper was picked up by my nephew. He couldn't sit still so we rigged him up an anchovy under a bobber and within minutes the bobber went for a ride. It was his very first fish. All in all it was another great (relaxing) night. [/font] [/size]

[size 2] [font "comic Sans MS"] David [/font] [/size]

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Re: [Powermaker] An afternoon Lake Mead trip planned 6/9/04 - by Powermaker - 06-12-2004, 11:13 AM

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