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Racoon Report
Another report for everybody. I was at Racoon on Saturday 6/8/02. The water is a good 15' above summer pool and muddy to stained depending on what part of the lake you are at. I did not do any fishing, was there to take my son for a ride and do some swimming. Hollandsburg ramp is pretty much un-usable, Walker is decent but the turnaround is completely underwater. The lake was chocolate milk between Walker and the beach area and more stained/murky on the dam end and idle zone south of the 36 bridge. Alot of submerged trees/brush so bass should be easy to find. Also, lots of shad up on the surface particularly by the bridge above the submerged gravel pit.<br><br>

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Racoon Report - by ccarlyle - 06-10-2002, 07:24 PM

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