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SoCal Castaic Lagoon Tubing Report 6/20/04
We (TubeNtoo, his friend Johnny and I) arrived at Castaic Lagoon at 2:30am. We fished from the fishing dock until the lake opened at 5:30am. The air temp was a cool 78 degrees, water temp was around 72.

We were able to instruct Johnny about filling the tube with air, life jackets, not snagging the tube with a hook or getting spined by the fish and some of the other basics about tubing. We hit the water by 6:00am.

We were all getting thumps and bumps on our lines but there were no serious takers of any kind for the day. It had seemed like the LMB had taken the day off for Fathers Day.

We kicked around nearly half of the lake in 4 1/2 hours. It was quite a start for Johnny who was really enjoying the difference between bank fishing and float tubing.

We shared the lake with 7 other tubers, 4 Yaks and 4 bass boats. Although nothing was caught, a new tuber was born.

We left the lake around 11:00 to move on to another area.

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SoCal Castaic Lagoon Tubing Report 6/20/04 - by tubeN2 - 06-21-2004, 02:51 PM

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